Switching off for E-Day (1)
A theme of the entries on this blog this week has been energy. So it’s appropriate that E-Day has just commenced and that I should highlight it on my blog.
Energy Saving Day (E-Day) is happening between 6pm today and 6pm tomorrow. Everyone in the UK is being asked:
(a) To leave off electrical items which are not in use, and
(b) To leave these items off for as long as possible.
Items which could be left off for E-Day might include:
– Lights left on in empty rooms or overnight
– Televisions left on standby overnight
– Mobile phone chargers left plugged in or
– Computers or printers left on overnight
Over the following 24 hours, E-Day will endeavour to show how even small energy saving measures can be made to add up, and potentially play a part in tackling climate change. The results will be shown on E-Day’s homepage here.
February 27th, 2008 at 11:37 pm
a) already do
b) already do
Boy they should have grown up with me in the war. No electricity just gas and when we finally got electrified – it was switch off if you are not reading. – who pays the bills.
TV what’s a standby button? – its either off or on.
Mobile phone charger left plugged in – have not got enough sockets to leave anything in that’s not being used.
Last one – you must be joking its in the bed rooom?
Got anymore suggestions – so I can contribute.
Ah well that’s the over sixties for you- yes we still save string, iron wrapping paper so we can use it again, keep a button box and have left-over eating culinary days.
Waste Not – want not – wonder who said that?