A lovely afternoon with granddaughter Catrin

This weekend, I babysat my gorgeous granddaughter Catrin for the fourth time (she is now six months old) while her mum and dad went to see the latest “Harry Potter” film. We were together almost five hours and had a fun time.

We read three books together and then I fed her all the yogurt with strawberries. Next we went out in the buggy for a stroll on the South Bank, which was sunny and bustling, and she especially enjoyed looking at the Morris dancers.

Back at the flat, I removed a smelly nappy, gave her a bath, and changed her into her night attire, ready to hand over a clean baby to mum and dad when they returned from the cinema. At least that was the plan. This is is the one time of day when she is inclined to be a bit cranky and to settle her I gave her two fresh strawberries which she loved but which made her – and me – somewhat messy.

I hope that I’ll still be allowed another tour of duty …

“This looks like a really good book.
Please will you read it to me, granddad?”



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