Is this the way to bring peace in the Middle East?

You be the judge …

This is a kindergarden graduation ceremony held in 2001 which was attended by 1,650 children of the “Islamic society” kindergartens along with thousands of guests, including their mothers. The ceremony took place at the “Islamic society” centre in the al-Shati refugee camp, Gaza strip.

One Comment

  • LL

    Well, this is fueling a new generation of militants bent on fear, destruction, hatred, all negative human traits. How sad for these children. They are being programmed by their parents and of course they will be happy to do all this taught to them, as they have their parents approval.
    A few may break out of their moulds and see this is not the way to Peace, but I would say most will follow the ingrained ‘patterns’ of their parents. And so the cycle of hate and fear goes on.
    The politicians in the west contributed to the mess and the seeds of this thinking in the Middle East, lets hope they will wake up to helping make some changes that will give confidence to the people in these troubled lands.