How often have you moved home?
My wife has been away for three days this week helping her twin sister and brother-in-law to move house in West Sussex. This set me thinking about the moves I’ve made in my life.
I had a rather peripatetic childhood growing up in Manchester [personal notes here] and lived in eight places there. When I left university, I moved down to London [personal notes here] and my present home is my sixth here. So that makes 14 homes in the 36 years up to 1984 when I moved into my present abode.
I suppose that a relocation every two or three years is not unusual but it was more than enough for me. I’ve now been in my house for 26 years and have no plans to move.
August 26th, 2010 at 12:52 pm
as new immigrates to this country, and mostly renting rooms, flats, houses, we moved 9 homes in the last 9 years, or in slightly over 9 years.
It is tiring but you have no choice, and you have to work harder to settle down.
The Good thing is the home size is growing, the same as our ages.
August 26th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
We used to be students, that is also one of the key reasons that incurs the frequent changes.
Those who could stay in a same cosy house as a home should really count themselves as lucky!
August 26th, 2010 at 4:20 pm
I don’t include university accomodation as it was just rooms in houses that you had to be out of each holiday. Therefore I get to the grand total of 5 including the present place and one I don’t remember (as too young).
August 26th, 2010 at 10:29 pm
I have lived in a lot of places in the States. In some cases, several houses in the same town. I’m not sure I could figure out how many houses I’ve lived in, but I agree with you. It was hard, and as a child, moving made it difficult for me to make and keep friends.
September 1st, 2010 at 2:07 pm
Not counting university or temporary accommodation, this is my 11th residence.