Am I a maven?

Earlier this week, I was chatting to a couple of good friends who regularly visit my web site/weblog. One of them suggested that, in raising different subjects and pointing out other interesting sites on the web, I was acting as a maven. Now I’ve always thought that my English vocabulary was pretty good, but I’d never heard of this word. Not only did the friend then explain it,but he subsequently sent me this link on the term. I learn something every day ….


  • Dana Huff

    You know, one of the things I’ve noticed about learning a new word is that I suddenly start seeing it everywhere. I have heard that is because when we heard it before we didn’t notice it; therefore, we didn’t really hear it. After we learned it, we notice the word. I wonder if you have heard about or noticed this phenomenon.

  • Roger Darlington

    I certainly have noticed this, Dana, and not just with words – also with people, places and so on.