The great city of London

My wife and I visited the Museum of London today. Amazingly she has never been there before and I wanted to go again because they have recently opened five new galleries on the period since 1666. In all, there are nine permanent galleries telling the story of this great city over two millennia.

My favourite gallery is the one called “War, Plague & Fire” which covers the period 1550s-1660s – a turbulent time that encompassed the English Civil War which led to the execution of King Charles I, the Great Plague which killed a fifth of the population (100,000), and the Great Fire of London which raged for five days and destroyed a third of the city.

The Museum of London has just launched an iPhone app which I’ve downloaded – information here.

While we were in the area, we looked into the Postman’s Park, a tribute to the heroism of working people, and viewed the Marconi plaque, a commemoration of the first broadcasting of radio signals.


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