Do you have any nicknames? Would you like to know three of mine?

When I was a lad, there was a popular comic called “The Beano” and one of the regular characters in that was a young boy called “Roger the Dodger”. Inevitably, I was often called that.

When I started my working life, it was at the then Polytechnic of North London where I was the Accommodation Officer. My colleagues called me “Roger the Lodger Man”.

The main part of my career was working as an official for a trade union that represented telecommunications technicians. One of my secretaries dubbed me “Roger Diallingtone”.

If you’re interested in names, I’ve written an essay on naming practices around the world which you can access here.

One Comment

  • Janet

    I love the thoughtful pun of “Roger Diallingtone”!
    At university I had several friends reading mathematical subjects to whom I was known as “the J operator” due to being a complex number. (You have to be a mathematician to understand it.)


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