Ever heard of the Pilgrimage of Grace?

Neither had I – until I read about it in “The Mirror And The Light”, the 900-page novel by Hilary Mantel which is sustaining me during the period of lockdown as a result of the coronaviris crisis.

The so-called Pilgrimage was a northern rebellion against Henry VIII’s government in i536-1537, originally led by Robert Aske and later by Francis Bigod. The rebellion failed and its leaders were eventually executed.

You can check out a five-minute video on the Pilgrimage of Grace here:


  • David Souter

    I hope you’re keeping well, Roger. If you want a full-scale historical novel about the Pilgrimage of Grace and just the Pilgrimage of Grace, you should check out ‘Man on a Donkey’ by H.F.M. Prescott, published in 1952 and regarded at the time as one of the great historical novels. Hilary Mantel has called it ‘a classic of historical fiction [which] captures all the poignant strangeness of the era.’ (I was introduced to it as long ago as secondary school.) It is, I’d warn you though, another 700 pages.

  • Roger Darlington

    As always, I’m impressed with your knowledge, David.
    Thanks for the tip but, once I’ve finished “The Mirror And The Light”, I think I’ll be done with Tudor history for a while!


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