How could an animation film for children cause an international row?

This weekend, I took my two granddaughters (aged 8 and 3) to see the new animation movie “Abominable” and they loved it. They were able to identify with the young Chinese girl Yi, who lives in Shanghai, when she discovers a yeti on the roof of her apartment block and endeavours to return him to his family on Mount Everest. What could be more charming and innocent?

Well, “Abominable” is the first co-production between US company DreamWorks and China’s Pearl Studio production firm and one very short scene in the movie has caused an international outrage.

There is a map of China which includes the infamous nine-dash line which depicts the territorial claims of China in relation to the South China Sea. The problem is that these claims are contested by Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan. So the release of “Abominable” in these countries has been highly problematic.

You can learn more about the international row here.