“Stuck: How Labour is too weak to win, and too strong to die”

This is the title of a report published today by the Fabian Society on the state of the British Labour Party. It is a sobering but fair analysis of the current challenges facing the party.

The one paragraph summation is as follows:

The Labour Party is too weak to win the next election – whether it takes place in 2017 or 2020. But it is also too strong to be displaced as the UK’s main party of opposition. When an election comes Labour may end up winning only 140 to 200 big city and ex-industrial constituencies, but it will have a platform from which to rebuild. On the other hand, if Labour’s fortunes recover sooner, while there is no chance of a majority, the party might be able to gain sufficient MPs to govern in partnership with other parties. That should be Labour’s goal.”

You can read a one-page summary of the report here and access the full 12-page report here.


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