Some good news from Iran

Last Autumn, I visited Iran as a tourist.  I was acutely aware of how difficult it is for any Iranian to challenge the current system of power in any way or to work for human rights in any form. As a former trade union official, I believe that Iran is one of the toughest countries in the world in which to organise workers. Therefore it’s good to hear from LabourStart some good news from the country.

Mansour Osanloo, leader of the bus workers in Tehran, has been released from solitary confinement thanks in part to international union pressure, according to this report from the ITF .

Jailed Kurdish teacher union activist Farzad Kamangar, who lives under the shadow of a death sentence, is still alive thanks to international union pressure, advises the Education International .

Meanwhile, trade unionists and human rights activists have demanded that the UN Human Rights Council take up the persecution of Iranian trade unionists, according to this report on the IUF website .


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