Seasons greetings from India

Seven years ago, we had a terrific holiday in India led by a wonderful guide, a sufi Muslim called Hamid Shah. We are still in touch with him thanks to the Internet and he has just sent us seasons greetings with this moving ecological message:

“May the year 2010 bring peace, love and joy over the inhabitants of entire globe to make it a better place to live. Let all of us contribute one way or the other, more or less to heal the wounds of mother earth, wounds inflicted in the name of development which is reflected clearly in the disasters being observed! Abused mother earth has sustained enough! Now she is crying enough is enough! May all of us have the wisdom to listen to our mother!”

One Comment

  • Jon Myers

    Happy Holidays to all. May those in power find it in their hearts to remember the rest of us. We are all sharing this earth and the powerful should reach down to us and give a little. Be it huge or small their gift is needed.


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