The joy of blogging

In today’s “Guardian”, there’s an article about how some bloggers have become so popular that they have been able to make money from their writing.
I’ve been blogging now for more than six years and thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to express myself on different issues. However, I’ve never seen or wanted a commercial dimension to my blogging and don’t even use Google Adsense.
Reading the “Guardian” article though, made me think when I saw that one blogger who signed a book deal won the contract on the basis that her blog at one point was receiving 4,000 visits a day. Now my web site and two blogs regularly receive 5,000 visits a day and, in the busiest months of the year, hit 6,000.
My blogging is too personal and eclectic to be publishable but, if someone was interested in publishing the life skills section of my web site or my collection of short stories, I’d be happy to talk.


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