Unhappy about how to be happy

Usually the responses I receive to my web site material are very positive, but the Life Skills page on “How To Be Happy” – a fairly lighthearted set of ideas – has attracted an uncharacteristically vituperative e-mail as follows:
“What planet are you from then? You should never advise anyone to be happy through having a child, that is the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever heard, as for the rest you must be a typical upper class gimp. but overall your ridiculous ideas did make us temporarily happy by laughing at them. so thank you.”
I always respond to comment unless it is totally aggresssive and this was my e-mail back:
“Most people appear to find these tips helpful so I’m intrigued by your response. On the one hand, there seems to be a certain amount of anger in your reaction, so I wonder how happy you are. On the other hand, you say that I made you temporarily happy, so that must be good.
I did write towards the end of my tips: ‘Remember that all generalisations are dangerous (even this one). So don’t regard these tips as instructions, but as suggestions.’ Of course, you can be happy without being a parent and parenthood should not be embarked upon lightly, but you are so dismissive of the idea that I wonder how old you and your friends are and whether any of them has experience of being a parent.
In short, I suggest you lighten up and be happy.”
What do you think? Check out the tips here.