What can the world expect in 2022? Another year of living dangerously.

“On the brink of a new year, the world faces a daunting array of challenges: the resurgent Covid-19 pandemic, the climate emergency, the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism, humanitarian crises, mass migration, and trans-national terrorism. There is the risk of new inter-state conflicts, exacerbated by the breakdown of the rules-based international order, and the spread of lethal autonomous weapons. All in all, for most people on Earth – and a handful in space – 2022 will be another year of living dangerously.”

This is opening paragraph of an article in today’s “Guardian” newspaper which provides an useful, if sobering, review of the current state of humankind.

Speaking personally, I’m hoping that 2022 can be ‘the year of travel’. I really want to go abroad a few times to make up for two years at home. We’ll have to see if that’s possible …


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