Bring back bottle deposits to stop plastic pollution in our oceans

In the UK, we use a staggering 38.5 million single-use plastic bottles and a further 58 million cans every day. Only half of these are recycled, so it’s no surprise that many of these end up on our beaches and in our oceans.

Plastic bottles take 450 years to break down, killing marine life, harming the coastal ecosystem, and ruining our beaches. Placing a small deposit on plastic bottles and cans would dramatically increase recycling and reduce marine plastic pollution.

Right now, the Government is finalising a plan to tackle Britain’s litter problem. But they’re wavering about a bottle deposit scheme, where 10p is added to the price of a drink and if you return the bottle you get the money back.

If you want to sign a petition supporting a deposit scheme – as I have done – you can access the 38 Degrees site here.

One Comment

  • Mavis

    We used to collect bottles and use the 1d or 2d (old money to go to the Saturday Kids Cinema.

    We did this otherwise no cinema, we could not afford it.

    I would make a depsoit of £1 not 10p and ban plastic bottles of any type.

    Our milkman still delivers and the bottles are rinsed and put out ready for collection. So Mondays, Wednesday and Thursday are milkman days.

    The bad old days were not so bad………..


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