Ou holiday in Iran

A week ago, Vee and I returned from a wonderful week’s holiday in Iran. I have now written up a full account of the trip which you can read here.
Later I will add a selection of photographs.


  • stephen johnson

    i am very jealous, back in 1977, when i was 25, i made the mistake of turning back at Isfahan and not continuing on to Persepolis. Now I can´t afford to , as they say “if i knew then what i know now” .
    I am glad you enjoyed your experience, I liked the Iranians, many travellers didn´t in those days.
    I have found your site interesting over these past years and hope you have time in your busy life to keep it going. Steve

  • Roger Darlington

    Thanks, Steve.
    Visiting Iran before the revolution must have been an experience in itself.


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