The history of Scrabble

I confess that I’m not one for games of any kind – but I make an exception at Christmas when it’s fun to play something with family members after a big meal. This year, it was Scrabble and afterwards I thought that I would check out the history of the game. It’s an interesting story.


  • Harry Barnes

    Ann and I play scrabble most days. We play an eleven game tournament. I have won on 3 occasions, there have been two ties and Ann must have won over 50 times. I won this morning, but I am currently 8-1 behind. We have a secondary trophy (to keep me interested). Ann is handicapped each time by 20. I do marginally better at this, but still come a poor second.
    Greater love hath no man.

  • Roger Darlington

    You are a kind and generous man, Harry.


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