Two statistics that explain America’s global power

  • What proportion of the world’s population is constituted by the United States. The answer is a mere 4%.
  • What proportion of the world’s gross domestic product is generated by the USA? The answer is an astonishing 26%.

The figures come from a book that I have just started reading: “The Next 100 Years” by George Friedman.

He also points out that:

  • The American economy is larger than the next four countries combined
  • American oil production is third highest in the world and 85% that of Saudi Arabia
  • American natural gas production is second highest in the world and greater than the next five producers combined
  • The combined naval force of the rest of the world does not come near equalling that of the US Navy

I think you can see where this is going. Friedman argues that “the United States’ power is so extraordinarily overwhelming, and so deeply rooted in economic, technological, and cultural realties, that the country will continue to surge through the twenty-first century, buffeted though it will be by wars and crises”.

This is a very different analysis and message from that contained in the book “Time To Start Thinking” by Richard Luce which I read recently and reviewed here.

What do you think? Has American power peaked or are the best days of the USA still to come?

One Comment

  • Andy

    You ask “Has American power peaked or are the best days of the USA still to come?” But in saying that you are implying that lots of power is a good thing. In the case of the USA this is extremely debateable.
    With great power comes great responsibility, as some French geezer once said. But the USA has not, for the most part, used its power responsibly or wisely on the international stage. A huge disappointment and missed opportunity.
    Just my opinion!


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