The boundaries of belief (1)

I sometimes think that no belief is too weird that someone somewhere – probably quite thoughtful and intelligent – will hold that belief. I really wonder whether there are any boundaries to some people’s belief systems.
I send out an electronic Thought For The Week [if you’d like to receive it e-mail me] and this week’s thought is as follows:
“As a culture, we seem to have trouble distinguishing science from pseudoscience, history from pseudohistory, and sense from nonsense.”
“Why People Believe Weird Things” by Michael Shermer (1997)
If you want an example of what I’m thinking about, check out this course.
I’m particularly amazed by this offer:

“After travelling to 43 different countries and sharing healing experiences with many hundreds of healers, complimentary therapists, shamans, medicine people, Michael developed his own style of healing. His unique approach allows the healing to occur without sending healing energy, without touching the client, without ever needing to meet the client (phone consults work well) and which takes only minutes!”


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