My afternoon and morning with the Tinder Foundation

Among my portfolio of interests, I am a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Tinder Foundation (previously the Online Centres Foundation) which promotes digital inclusion throughout the UK. I have just returned from Sheffield where Tinder is based after an intense but inspiring afternoon (Thursday) and morning (Friday).

Yesterday, the Board, ably chaired by former Schools Minister Lord Jim Knight, held its quarterly meeting where we heard encouraging news on future funding. Then we had a social event for Board members to meet the staff. Finally the Board had a working dinner to discuss future strategy which began with a PowerPoint presentation by our inspirational Chief Executive Helen Milner.

Today the Tinder Foundation – which is a mutual – had its Annual General Meeting attended by all the staff and Board members. Then we had an event called Talking Tables, an opportunity for each member of staff to join two discussions from four topics (I chaired sessions on Tinder’s pay strategy and on the organisation’s culture).

Next – the highlight of the two days – there was a moot led by the irrepressible Vic Stirling. We were divided into six teams. Each team was given a debating topic and told which side of the proposition they would have to promote in debate through one of their number whom they would have to elect and arm with arguments. The three topics were:

  • Facebook vs Twitter
  • Digital vs Paper
  • A pay increase of 11% for Members of Parliament

I thought that each of the six speakers did brilliantly, since it is no mean feat to prepare a cogent two minute speech with no previous notice and just 15 minutes preparation time with a few colleagues. But the Tinder team is just so fantastic.

Lastly, three Board members (including me) and the Chief Executive were invited to take part in something called a Career Chat where we were asked to tell colleagues about our career highs and lows and to answer a few questions. One question was: “What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?”  I said: “Aim high” (I don’t think I have always aimed high enough in my life).

In fact, one of my 30 short stories is on the theme of advice to one’s younger self. You can read it here.


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