How many countries have I visited?

My good friend Andy has directed me to a great web site that enables one to create a personal map showing all the countries one has visited. I’ve eagerly done this and posted the map on my web site.
Now on my web site, I list the 49 countries that I reckon I have visited. But, creating the map on the World66 site, I clicked on a total of 52 countries. Two of the extra countries are the Channel islands and Vatican City. Should I count these for my web site calculation. The third extra country is my own: the United Kingdom. Do I count this on my web site list?
Help me out here, guys. I need your advice.
By the way, the World66 map misses out an entire continent: Antarctica.


  • Mavis Smith

    In my day the Channel Islands were part of the UK.
    So if you include them, what about, IOM, Orkneys, Shetland et al.
    Vatican City is just what it says a ‘City’.
    Or am I too simple?
    By the way, have you tried Google Earth, you can put photos, bookmarks et al.
    And its free.

  • Chris Graham

    The Channel Islands are crown dependencies of the UK, and do not count as a country.
    The Vatican City is a independent country and therefore should count to your total. It is also the smallest country in the world and ruled by an absolute monarch!

  • Andy R

    World66 seems to equate “Russia” to the old USSR, so maybe the 66 stands for 1966?

  • Roger Darlington

    Well, we seem to have a consensus on the Channel Islands – that it does not count as a separate country.
    Maybe the Vatican City is technically a country, but it seems almost cheating to include such a tiny place. If I do though, then my total comes up to a round 50.
    Andy, the various former republics of the USSR are listed as separate countries, but I do get a big blob of red on the map simply by having visited St Petersburg.

  • Chris Graham

    Thanks for posting my comments. A further, thought provoking question is what constituents a visit to a country? Do you simply have to have had 2 feet in the territory (as in landed at an airport), had a specific length of time there, or stayed overnight? What are your views?

  • Roger Darlington

    Good question, Chris.
    I haven’t counted any countries where I have simply used an airport.
    In practice, every country I have counted I have spent at least half a day there (and this applies to only one country), but I don’t have a defined minimum period of time.


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