Examples of non 999 calls

You have to pity the police – people are calling the emergency number 999 (really it should be 112 now) in ever greater numbers for often trivial reasons.
A compilation of ‘non’ 999 calls is being made available for the public to listen to in an effort to curb the number of nuisance calls the police receive. Five examples of such calls have been posted on the Cambridgeshire Constabulary website so members of the public can hear some of the non-emergency and nuisance calls that 999 call takers face day in, day out.
Check them out here.

One Comment

  • mavis

    I worked as a GPO Telephonist for 26 years. This sort of call has gone on forever.
    They should quit moaning and realise ‘Joe Public’ does not change. We dealt with it with humour and understanding.
    Perhaps they need to check their call volume ratio against staffing?