How many kisses?

Most people who know me will confirm that I love travelling and I’m a pretty friendly sort of guy. This combination causes a major dilemma which was taken up this week on the BBC’s web site, namely this: when a man meets or leaves a woman, does he simply shake hands, give her one kiss, kiss both cheeks, give three kisses or even four?
Now, obviously it depends on the context of the meeting: is this a business or a social event? has one met the woman before or not? But, as the BBC makes clear in this report, there is also a strong cultural dimension because what is deemed right varies from country to country and even from city to city.
Here’s a rough guide to the appropriate number of kisses:
None: Japan, China
Close friends and family only: Germany, Italy, Middle East (except between male friends)
One: Belgium
Two: Spain, Austria, Hungary, Greece, some parts of France
Three: Brittany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium (if other person 10 years older), Egypt, Russia
Four: Paris and Geneva