Evolution vs creationism

A friend has drawn my attention to this story on the BBC web site which appeared while I was away in Prague last week. It seems that some British teachers are finding it harder to explain evolution because of the view that creationism is not simply a metaphor for construction of the universe by a supreme being but an historical fact that is to be preferred to the evidence base of evolution.
According to the Head of Science at London’s Institute of Education Professor Michael Reiss, one in 10 people in the UK now believes in literal interpretations of religious creation stories whether they are based on the Bible or the Koran. If we do not relate belief to evidence, then all sorts of ‘truths’ become possible. It was concern about such a development that led me to write my web essay on “The Reason For Truth”.

One Comment

  • Robert

    I watched the program on the BBC the other night in which a teacher said she had no problems telling the kids the world is only ten thousand years old, and that Fossils are just junk and they died when Adam and Eve walked with dinosaurs.
    I mean I’d be up in arms if they tried to teach my kids this junk.