A sleepy day in Abingdon

This weekend, Vee and I made one of our regular trips to see our Chinese ‘family’: Zhihao & Hua and their four-year old son Joshua. They have just moved from Oxford to Abingdon and this was the first time that we had visited their new home.

Kung Fu Panda (aka Roger)
with an ‘angry’ little panda (aka Joshua)

We went into the town – claimed to be the oldest continuously inhabited in England – for a good lunch at the “Bath Street Bistro”.

Then Zhihao & Hua wanted to order some furniture for their new home and Vee was keen to assist them, so we went to a special furniture store on the edge of town. Meanwhile Roger & Joshua sat on a sofa in the store and read a children’s book. But the ordering of the furniture took so long that first Joshua and then Roger fell fast asleep and, before waking them, Hua took a photo which the store thought would make a great advertising picture.

Furniture shop advertising slogan:
“Our sofas are so comfortable that old and young alike can’t stay awake”


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