The price of freedom …

At the conclusion of a challenging article on the infringement on our freedoms under recent Governments, Shami Chakrabarti – Director of Liberty – writes: “One thing is certain, if we as an educated electorate give up as much in the next decade as we did in the last, our grandchildren will not forgive us for the constitutional poverty in which they must live.”
I’ve been a member of Liberty for around 40 years and share many of her views, although I’m not sure that Liberty really understands how serious the threat is from Islamic fundamentalism and the unfortunate necessity of making some compromises with our traditional freedoms – but not as much as we have done – to combat the terrorist threat.
Interestingly Shami Chakrabarti writes in the “Sunday Telegraph”, not an organ noted for its defence of civil liberties. Predictably some readers have been critical of her liberalism.