Baby Catrin: progress report (1)

It’s Day 18 in the young life of my beautiful granddaughter Catrin and I visited her for the fourth time today. The poor thing is not looking her best because she has milk spots so no photographs here for a while. But she’s doing really well and already weighs 9lb 6 oz.

Richard & Emily would like me to babysit so that they can have dinner out around Valentine’s Day, so I needed to be trained to change Catrin’s nappy (it’s at least 30 years since I last changed one). Rich showed me how it’s done and later on I did one myself, so I’m all set to go.

When Rich was born in 1976 we received a congratulatory letter from Labour Prime Minister Jim Callaghan because at that time I was a Special Adviser working for the Labour Government. Today I saw a letter to Rich & Emily from Labour leader Ed Miliband congratulating them on the birth of Catrin (both parents served as a Special Adviser in the last Labour Government).



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