The case for evolution (3)

In early December, I did a posting explaining that I had produced a new section of my web site entitled “The Case For Evolution”. In that posting, I commented: “One test of the extent to which this essay meets a need will be how long it takes for a Google search on the words ‘case for evolution’ to bring my work onto the first page of results.”

It only took a week. In another posting at that time, I wrote: “… if you put inverted commas around those three words in a Google search, the clever search engine brings it up on the first page …  On the other hand, if you use those three words without inverted commas, the top item is a piece putting the case against evolution.”

Now though, if you do a Google search for ‘case for evolution’ with or without inverted commas, my essay comes second and first respectively. Don’t you just love the power of the web?


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