Britain’s unfinished books

A couple of weeks ago, I did a blog posting about Britain’s favourite books. This week, we have the results of a survey of books which Britons buy but do not manage to finish reading.
In fact, it’s a very rare experience for me not to finish a book – it’s partly that I usually know a fair bit about any book I obtain and partly because I’m a pretty committed reader. So I found that the lists in this new survey contained books that I have started and finished although, in some cases, I can understood why faint-hearted readers might have given up (mainly length, but sometimes complexity of structure or style).
In the top five fiction books not finished, there were two that I’ve read: “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” [my review here] and “Cloud Atlas” [my review here]. In the top five non-fiction books not finished, again there were two that I’ve read: “Eats, Shoots And Leaves” [my review here] and “Wild Swans” [my review here].


  • Sharon

    Well, I think I read about the first 20 pages of Captain Corelli, hated it and so didn’t finish – actually I barely even started!

  • Roger Darlington

    I reckon that “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” takes 60-70 pages to get into, but it is a terrific read.

  • Mavis

    “Captain Corelli” – I read it all the way through and then berated myself for wasting good reading time. I should have given up after the first page.
    Now “Eats, Shoots and Leaves” was hilarious. “Wild Swans” read twice.