You can’t keep everybody happy all of the time

… and I’ve really upset an e-mail correspondent who has just sent me these comments on a section of my web site that normally receives very positive feed-back:

I’ve just read your article (titled “HOW TO BE HAPPY”)
and boy does it really suck…BIG times

I tried to apply it by starting to listen to one of your music recommendations “Beethoven Symphony No.9” sucks, doesn’t even manage to put a hint of a smile on my face even Lacrimosa by Mozart has more depth and cheerful atmosphere than what you suggested.

“Read a quality newspaper on a daily basis”….realy?! and does reading about wars and death reports make someone happy by what mean?

“Go out and see a good movie”…hmmm..maybe I’ll agree with you 5 years ago but now every damn movie is forcing 3D on us even if its realy sucky and stupid movie like Avatar and Alice in Wonderland (to name a few), but as long as its 3D its considered super cool by ignorant regular movie goers.

“Stretch yourself geographically”..advising individuals to walk or even pass by strange and unfamiliar locations even at his/her own time could lead to his/her sudden disappearance or maybe worse.. gotten killed .

“Have a political vision”.. since when getting stressed and involving one self in a net of lies and shit would make anyone happy? are you sure your are writing an article on “HOW TO BE HAPPY” or on “HOW TO BE MISERABLE”?

have a religious faith. (I can’t. I believe that this life is all there is – so, all the more reason to make it happy). “….you freaking bastard, you can’t give people an advice that you your sad-ill-self can NOT follow/apply.

“(1) These are suggestions for you to pick and choose if you want to be happier than perhaps you have been. This is not a list that you have to follow in order to be happy. ”

heh, what to follow on the first place, its all weak advices written by some amateur
and so unoriginal.


  • Dana Huff

    Yikes. That, to me, is the worst part of the Web.

  • Mavis


    As the Scots say ‘dinnae fash yourself’.

    S/he probably took something away from it all and was upset that s/he did so and so took it out on you.

    People respond when you hit a nerve that really rings a bell with them.


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