Ever heard of the antemurale myth
The Antemurale myth or the Bulwark myth is one of the nationalist myths which implies a certain nation’s mission of being a bulwark against the other religions, nations or ideologies. The word “Antemurale” is derived from Latin ante (before, in time and space) and murale (wall, attributive).
The Antemurale myth is different than other nationalist myths because it does not insist on the uniqueness of a certain group, but on its inclusion into some larger cultural entity which is allegedly superior to other groups which do not belong to it.
The antemurale myth became an archetypal myth of nationhood in Southeastern Europe. Nationalists developed narratives about their nations being Antemurale Christianitatis who protect the West from the invasion of Islam, while the West ungratefully forgets this fact. Almost every nation in southeast Europe has the perception and national myth of being the bulwark of some universal system of values (such as Christianity or Islam).