The case for a wealth tax becomes stronger every day

“Tax extreme wealth to pay for the climate-related damage to the poorest, a group of more than 100 leading economists have urged.

A wealth tax on the fortunes of the world’s richest people would raise trillions of dollars that could be spent on helping poorer countries shift their economies to a low-carbon footing, and on “loss and damage”, the rescue and rehabilitation of countries stricken by climate disaster.

A 2% tax on extreme wealth would yield about $2.5tn a year, by recent estimates.

The economists, including the prominent degrowth advocate Jason Hickel, have written a letter to world leaders before a global summit on finance this week. They are calling for a tax of 1.5% for 1.5C to help ensure the world limits global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.”

This is the beginning of a short article in today’s “Guardian”. I very much support the case for a wealth tax. We need such a tax to support countries hit by climate change and to boost national government programmes addressing healthcare. Some 14 years ago, I wrote a short article which featured debate in the British political arena over the introduction of a wealth tax. You can read it here.


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