Who will save America’s Democratic Party? (1) There’s Elizabeth Warren in the Senate

In the United States, the Republicans now control the White House and the two houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. If President Trump has his way, the vacant position on the Supreme Court will be filled by a conservative. In these circumstances, the Democratic Party has to fight back urgently and strongly with the mid-term elections in 2018 a particular focus of attention.

The fight-back will require leaders of courage, compassion and eloquence. In the Senate, a leading member of the struggle will be 67 year old  Elizabeth Warren who, since 2012, has been a senator from Massachusetts.

In this profile in last weekend’s “Observer” newspaper, Warren is described as follows:

“Elizabeth Warren … is a politician who does not value propriety and hierarchy over the lives of the people she represents. Unlike Hillary Clinton, Warren did not take a long, slow, rule-abiding route to the Senate. Like Obama, she’s a freshman senator with big talent and big dreams. Will the first woman president be one who plays by her own rules, but persists?”

The piece calls Warren “a woman who is a bit left of Hillary, a little less socialist than Bernie, brilliant, articulate and indisputably tough” and asks: ” Will Elizabeth Warren persist all the way to the White House?”


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