U.S. presidential election (29): the vice-presidential candidates
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have now chosen their Vice-Presidential running mates but, outside the United States, nobody has heard of them. So, who are they and why were they chosen?
The Republican candidate Donald Trump has selected Mike Pence who is the governor of Indiana. He is socially conservative and has 12 years experience as a member of the House of Representatives. But he is not a good speaker and has wobbled on some issues.
More information here.
The Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has selected Tim Kaine who is a senator from Virginia. His home state will be a key contest in the upcomg election and he speaks fluent Spanish, both of which are seen as electoral assets. But the appointment of such a centrist figure will be seen as disappointing by those Democrats who backed Bernie Sanders.
More information here.
The choices of Pence and Kaine are both seen as safe, even boring. The main conflict though – between Trump and Clinton – is never going to be dull. And we all have a stake in the result.
July 23rd, 2016 at 12:27 pm
I didn’t know that Mike Pence was keen on recycling rubbish – perhaps that’s why he’s agreed to be Trump’s running mate!
July 23rd, 2016 at 3:17 pm
OK – corrected the typo now