How can we use behavioural economics to better understand customers ?

In my capacity as Chair of the South East Water Customer Panel, some months ago I met Julien Lancha, Chief Customer Officer and co-founder of a company called Advizzo which advises companies on how to use behavioural insights to better serve their customers. I’ve met him several times since and we’ve had some fascinating discussions.

Following that first meeting though, I was so impressed by Advizzo’s thinking that I put them in touch with SEW. I’m pleased to say that this week South East Water publicly announced a collaborative programme with Advizzo.

One of the areas where Advizzo will be working with SEW is on communications with customers on issues like water saving. One of the behavioural insights which will be used is that customers respond better to water savings messages if you compare their water usage with that of their neighbours rather than an emphasis on cost savings or environmental impacts.


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