Visit to Sark (4): Little Sark and sunshine (at last)

There’s not much that is smaller than Sark – but there is Little Sark. Actually Little Sark is not an island in its own right but an extension of the main island connected by a narrow causeway called La Coupee with some breathtaking views.

Our walk out to Little Sark started in even more rain. We arrived somewhat bedraggled at an establishment called “La Sablonnerie” where we had refreshments in the Tea Garden before being offered sloe gin in the Restaurant by the eccentric owner.

As we left “La Sablonnerie”, we discovered that the rain had stopped, the sun had come out and the temperature was warmer – which really added to the appreciation of this special island.

Sunday before the season is in full swing is a quiet time on this quite island and Sunday evening is dead. We ate at a pub called the “Bel Air Inn” where the menu was decidely limited and the service remarkably slow (there were no desserts at all).

A consolation might have been the night sky since this is a Dark Island with no street lights and I was hoping to catch my first sight in the Northern Hemisphere of the Milky Way. But all the previous nights were too overcast and tonight was dull with a full moon so there were few stars to be seen let alone the Milky Way.

This weekend has cetainly been an experience but, as someone who has only ever lived in Manchester and London and loves the cosmopolitan metropolis, I’m rather looking forward to the return tomorrow to the big city.