What does the new forum Open Labour stand for?

“Open Labour is a Labour forum aimed at creating a kinder, more active and more equal society. We seek a politics where power and wealth are more widely distributed, and in which we work more cooperatively to make sure that power, wealth and opportunity are for all of us – not just those who already have them.

We are part of the democratic left that believes that Labour governments are vital for achieving a country in which all citizens flourish. A Labour Party true to its values and fit for the 21st Century must be both radical and electable, built on a foundation of community, and around a culture which is modern, open and tolerant. Serious about fundamental change, it must also be honest with itself about the challenges it faces.”

These are the opening words of a short launch statement on the web site of Open Labour, which launched this week and has been formed by 50 activists who are claiming to be operating in the traditions of the Tribune Group, the former foreign secretary Robin Cook, and the ideas generated by Ed Miliband’s 2010 leadership campaign. As this comment points out, Open Labour enters a crowded field with many groups trying to revive the Labour Party.


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