U.S. presidential election (11): who can trump Trump?

To the astonishment of many observers, motor-mouth Donald Trump has taken the lead – and kept it so far – in the Republican primary race to chose a presidential candidate. Now the media loves political upsets and is looking for evidence that Trump is under challenge. The current unlikely candidate is an African-American neurosurgeon called Ben Carson.

What’s the evidence? So far, a poll showing him with similar support to Trump in the first primary race in Iowa which will be the first state to vote.

But, as this profile points out:

“He has never run for elected office and never had to meet the demands of a constituency. He can be soft-spoken to the point of inaudibility. He has no foreign policy experience. He has no party support.”

Of courses, if somehow Carson won the Republican nomination and then the following general election, America would have elected two black presidents in succession. But, it ain’t gonna happen. The odds are still on the nation’s first female president.

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