My third short story

My summer time project to become a short story writer is progressing well.
Today I publish my third story entitled “The Edge Of War”.
You can read it here.
Please let me know what you think.


  • Georgeanne Lamont

    Wow – “The Edge of War” is very sobering and very graphic.
    I liked it very much. It was almost like a film sequence.

  • Elaine Disch

    Again, thank you Roger. I have read all three and enjoyed each for different reasons.
    I seem to be focusing on books about the war so “The Edge of War” fitted right into that mode.
    “Making a Difference” – well, there is not a time going into the city when there isn’t someone who desperately needs a buck or two. One of my very favorite songs is called “The Streets of London”, I can’t remember the composer, but a now-deceased Chicago singer named Fred Holstein introduced us to it. It is about the lonely and homeless men and women who walk the London streets. Well Google is amazing, it is by Ralph McTell, and it and your story really move me.
    “Thelma, etc”, well, that could be the way it goes.
    Good writing!

  • David Monkman

    Another good story.
    I remember you saying that you had Czech relatives.
    If the Allies had stood up to Hitler at the time, then history would certainly have been different.

  • Philip Bickerstaffe

    They say everyone’s a critic – but I find it hard to be a critic of
    something I’ve never tried!
    I’ve read “The Hostage” as well. The one I prefer is “The Edge of War”, as
    I think that the betrayal of good, brave men is an interesting theme.
    I notice that you are a details man, liking to describe things (‘The
    aircraft are the Avia B-534 – a single-seat, biplane fighter’), rather
    than do a pen portrait. I would guess that in writing a short story,
    details can be a bit of a burden to fit in!
    Keep writing

  • Anonymous

    Roger, nice story. I wish I had time to sit down and do some writing. Lucky you.

  • Terri

    Thanks Roger! Loverly! You brought so to life, so many characters, and they had breath. I could connect to them even in the short descriptions. Not an easy accomplishment!
    That Book ” We Shall Rise Again” …any lead on it? For some reason it has stayed with me. It is of that era.
    Warm regards for a smart, talented person!


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