Keeping tabs on collections and deliveries

The consumer watchdog Postwatch today issued the results of a survey of tabs – the metal plates on most pillar boxes that indicates whether the last collection of the day has been made from that box. A nationwide survey undertaken in mid September by Postwatch has revealed that one in every four post boxes fails to display the correct collection tab – despite Royal Mail’s commitment to fully reintroduce the tabs by June.
The regulator Postcom today issued a consultation on delivery and collection times. Postcomm is reacting to concerns over Royal Mail bringing forward final collection times from some post boxes, particularly in rural areas. Also, following Royal Mail’s decision to implement a single daily delivery, most mail is being delivered later in the day. This has led to some instances where the daily delivery is now being made after the final mail collection.
I sit on the Council of Postwatch and found myself this afternoon doing no less than eight interviews in one hour with BBC local radio stations in Derby, Newcastle, Stoke, Oxford, Cornwall, West Midlands, Herford & Worcester, and Essex. Then tonight I’m doing a piece on BBC Radio Five Live. Who would have thought that postal matters could be so newsworthy? But people still care passionately about their postal service.