When were the First & Second Reichs?

Even today, there are constant references in the media to Nazi Germany, otherwise known as the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler boasted that his Reich would last for a thousand years but, in fact, it only lasted for 12 years (1933-1945).
But, if this was the Third Reich, when were the First and Second Reichs?
In fact, the First Reich is the title retrospectively given to the Holy Roman Empire of which modern-day Germany was only one part. This lasted from the beginning of the 9th century to beyond the middle of the 19th century – almost a thousand years (and presumably the inspiration for Hitler’s vain boast).
The Second Reich (also known as The German Empire) is the term given to the period from the formation of modern-day Germany by Otto von Bismark to the end of the First World War – the period from 1871 to 1919 (the Weimar Republic of 1919-1933 is not called a reich).
Further information here.


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