How to be good

The Life Skills section of my web site has, over the years, expanded to no less than 29 short offerings of advice on “How to ..” do various things.
Today I add my boldest endeavour in this section. It’s called “How To Be Good” and it’s inspired by a conversation I had with an Anglican minister whom I very much respect.

One Comment

  • Irfan Dawood

    We can be good in many forms and according to situation:
    there are a lot of ways and techniques directing to the of being good like polite, cautious, trouble shooter etc…..
    But the best of all is to Respect someone and help him in the bad situation.
    Dear sir the first one you already have and i wish i could have meet you and for your kind information i am from Afghanistan where the word (Respect) is nearly disappearing between each other but they do respect others.
    sir wish you all good and happy life as you help all who read your ideas and thoughts.


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