The PILL pilot trial (3)

Can you believe it? Just days after I become involved in a trial of the so-called “polypill”, this morning the “Mirror” newspaper – for no apparent reason – runs a story on this new form of medication.
Footnote: Now that I’ve seen more of today’s media, I see why the “polypill” is in the news today. It’s because of the presentation of a paper yesterday at the American College of Cardiology annual conference – see this report in the “Guardian” – and the publication of a paper in the “Lancet” – see this summary.


  • Philip

    And the Beeb

  • Roger Darlington

    The BBC report states: “The concept of a polypill for everyone over 55 to cut heart disease by up to 80% was mooted over five years ago, but slow progress has been made since.”
    It’s incredible that testing, trials and approval is taking so long. Lives are being lost here. One suspects that, if there was money to be made, the process would be much speedier.

  • Mavis Smith

    What, give us a ‘pill’ with no side effects – what are you thinking about – drug companies make money out of the original drug, then drugs to counter the side effects of the side effects.
    ‘One’ suspects you are on the right track, it always comes back to money, ‘one’ does.