Ever heard of the idea of ‘suspended coffee’?

No? Neither had I – until today.

It seems that, many years ago in Naples, Italy, a tradition was born… Espresso Sospeso. Translating as ‘suspended coffee’, the idea is simple.

Someone goes into a cafe, bakery, or restaurant and pre-purchases a coffee or food.
This is then a ‘suspended coffee’.

Someone in need can then go into the business and ask if they have any suspended coffees. They are then provided with warmth and nourishment at no cost to themselves.

I think that this is a brilliant idea. I love it because I visit cafes for coffee so often. I love even more the notion that it originated in Naples because my mother was from the city.

Searching the web, I find that the BBC web site covered the idea almost a year ago here.

How do I find out which establishments in central London are supporting the ‘suspended coffee’ idea?


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