Our new roof (3)

Bad news and good news on the roofing front.
The bad news is that we had so much rain yesterday that the roof sprung a new and more serious leak. Water burst through the spare bedroom ceiling and cascaded into the living room.
The good news is that, a week after the scaffolding went up, the tiling has actually begun. The two workers are a British guy called Ray and a Romanian guy that they all call Basil (actually his name is Vasil).
So there’s tons of heavy banging going on, bits of ceiling coming away above my PC, and ceiling lights in the bathroom giving up, but we’re making some progress …


  • Mavis Smith

    How you doing?
    Work ground to a halt here today – nobody told me plaster can take ‘yonks to dry’.
    So painting, tiling, new floor all on hold.
    Part of the ceiling and wall did fall down – a hidden leak. So new flashing and re-laid coping stones on roof needed.
    How come, once you start something – the next thing joins in – is it Sod’s Law??

  • Roger Darlington

    That guy Sod has a lot to answer for!


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