“Shrapnel And Whizzbangs”

This is the title of a book written by my good friend Jeremy Mitchell who served with me on the Ofcom Consumer Panel. Jeremy was born in 1929 and his father George Oswald Mitchell (G.O.M.) was one of the few British soldiers to serve right through the First World War from its outbreak on 5 August 1914 to the Armistice on 11 November 1918, the 90th anniversary of which we mark this Remembrance Sunday.
“Shapnel And Whizzbangs” – subtitled “A tommy in the trenches 1914-18” – is Jeremy’s graphic account of his father’s war based on the trench diary and notes that G.O.M. wrote at the time.

George Oswald Mitchell as
Sergeant Royal Engineers Special Brigade

In a wonderful case of cross-generational co-operation, Jeremy’s 12 year old grandson Eddie has created a web site for his grandfather’s book about his great grandfather, so you can read a sample passage here and, if you wish, order the book here.


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