Have many books have you read?

Today, I started reading a long book: the near-600 page work entitled “A History Of The World” by Andrew Marr.

In his Introduction, he states: “I calculate that around two thousand books, never mind pamphlets and journals, have been read for what follows.”

As I have kept a diary for 50 years, I know how many books I have read. It is just over 700 – an average of a book a month.

But Marr has read around 2,000 just for this project. Wow!

What about you? Do you read more or less than a book a month?


  • Nadine Wiseman

    Hello Roger

    I was pretty pleased with myself for finishing a book my husband gave me for Christmas, by 30 June!

    I’ve been going to write to you and recommend it:
    “Fairness and Freedom: A History of Two Open Societies: New Zealand and the United States” by David Hackett Fischer.

    Did any one mention “Rogernomics” while you were in New Zealand?

    My excuse at this slowness is I spend much of my reading time on the Guardian Weekly and the New Yorker rather than books.

    Another question – do you, in fact, sleep at all? You seem to get so much done!



  • Roger Darlington

    Actually, Nadine, I love sleep and I make sure that I get around 8 hours a night.

    But I do try to use my waking hours productively which involves a good deal of planning and scheduling.

    I’ll check out the Fischer book.

    Never heard of Rogernomics.



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