The American presidential election (84)

It isn’t over yet- and every vote will count. Even mine?
Footnote: The video was sent to me by a friend – from Sweden!

One Comment

  • Calvin Allen

    That’s excellent Roger – and a very powerful tool to remind people to vote, too!
    I recall that, in the 80s and 90s, opinion poll organisations here in the UK were forced mathematically to re-assess how they reported opinion polls because Labour was usually ahead in the opinion polls but the Tories always won the elections – and, ultimately, they decided that this was so because what people said to opinion pollsters was not how they subsequently acted in the poll station booths.
    With his speech to party workers last weekend, Obama demonstrated very clearly that nothing should be taken for granted – I hope that borderline voters don’t also think that it’s safe and they needn’t bother turning out. Recent US electoral history is a very powerful demonstration to US voters that every vote does count and that people should take absolutely no liberties with their citizenship duties.


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