How happy are people in your country?

If your nation is one of the 36 developed countries that is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD), then it has just been ranked according to a Better Life Index which takes into account 11 factors. Of course, this type of index depends crucially on both the factors which make it up and on the weighting given to each factor . But the OECD study is certainly food for though. It offers the following ranking:

1. Australia
2. Sweden
3. Canada
4. Norway
5. Switzerland
6. United States
7. Denmark
8. Netherlands
9. Iceland
10. United Kingdom
11. New Zealand
12. Finland
13. Austria
14. Luxembourg
15. Ireland
16. Belgium
17. Germany
18. France
19. Slovenia
20. Spain
21. Japan
22. Czech Republic
23. Italy
24. Israel
25. Poland
26. Slovak Republic
27. Korea
28. Portugal
29. Hungary
30. Greece
31. Estonia
32. Russia
33. Brazil
34. Chile
35. Mexico
36. Turkey

You will find some discussion of the OECD study here.